祝贺永利集团官网叶智强研究员的合作论文在金融学国际顶刊 Journal of Financial Economics发表

近日,永利集团官网叶智强研究员的合作论文被金融学国际顶刊 Journal of Financial Economics(JFE)在线发表,论文合作者是西班牙IESE商学院的Xavier Vives教授。
论文摘要:We study how information technology (IT) affects lender competition, entrepreneurs’ investment, and welfare in a spatial model. The effects of an IT improvement depend on whether it weakens the influence of lender– borrower distance on monitoring costs. If it does, it has a hump-shaped effect on entrepreneurs’ investment and social welfare. If not, competition intensity does not vary, improving lender profits, entrepreneurs’ investment, and social welfare. When entrepreneurs’ moral hazard problem is severe, IT-induced competition is more likely to reduce investment and welfare. We also find that lenders’ price discrimination is not welfare-optimal. Our results are consistent with received empirical work on lending to SMEs.
Journal of Financial Economics(金融经济学杂志,简称JFE)是金融学理论与实证研究领域领先的同行评议学术期刊,与Journal of Finance和Review of Financial Studies被公认为全球三大顶级金融期刊。