[数字之星系列讲座之五十四]李彤:Tournaments with and without Private Information: A Nonparametric Approach

发布日期: 2024-05-08 来源: 16


题    目:Tournaments with and without Private Information: A Nonparametric Approach


报告人:李    彤   范德比尔特大学教授     

主持人:汪淼军   3044永利集团最新链接3044永利集团最新链接教授  









Abstract: We establish nonparametric identification and estimation of the distribution of random shocks for two tournament models with and without private information. We then apply the proposed estimation procedure to analyze a broiler production tournament data set. Our estimation results show that the model without private information fits the data much better than the one with. We also use the structural model estimates to quantify the welfare effects of the tournament prize structure on principal’s profit and social welfare. Our results show that switching from observed prize structure to an optimal one would lead to a large gain in the principal’s profit but only a modest gain in social welfare, while that based on the poorly fit model predicts a misleading result.