讲座通知: Firm Growth and Promotion Opportunities

发布日期: 2019-05-08 来源:dwjl 1228

报告题目: Firm Growth and Promotion Opportunities


时间2019513日(周一)12:00 - 13:30




主讲人:荣住 副教授(香港浸会大学






摘要: We develop a model in which a firm makes a sequence of production decisions and has to motivate each of its employees to exert effort. The rm motivates its employees through incentive pay and promotion opportunities, which may differ across different cohorts of workers. We show that the firm benefits from reallocating promotion opportunities across cohorts, resulting in an optimal personnel policy that is seniority-based. We also highlight a novel time-inconsistent motive for firm growth: when the rm adopts an optimal personnel policy, it may pursue future growth precisely to create promotion opportunities for existing employees.


主讲人介绍:主要研究领域为微观经济理论(契约理论)及其实证,曾经在《中国社会科学季刊》(香港)、《中国社会科学》、《经济研究》等权威杂志上发表20多篇中文文章。近年来主要成果也曾发表于Journal of Labor Economics, Theoretical Economics, Operation Research等国际一流期刊。



