3044永利集团最新链接 - 新加坡管理大学双硕士、硕士MSFE项目宣讲会通知
主讲人:刘晓彬 博士
学校介绍:新加坡管理大学(简称新大)是亚洲首屈一指的大学, 它拥有国际公认的世界级研究和优质教学。创建于2000年1月12日的新大, 是新加坡政府立足于二十一世纪的人才需求、精心打造的国际一流商科和社会科学类高等学府。其目标是开展具有主导性的学术研究并培养具备全方位才能、创意和商业头脑的领导者, 藉此履行其为知识型经济创造并传播知识的使命。新大为莘莘学子精心营造一个互动性强、以科技为载体以及小班制教学的氛围,这些都是它独树一帜的办学特色。年轻的新加坡管理大学锐意进取,在多项大学排行榜上位居前列,如全球专业大学(Specialist Universities)第11位,五星大学——2018年QS全球大学排名,全球最佳年轻大学排名第9——QS前50榜单(10-25年历史),五星大学——2019年QS星级评定。新加坡管理大学3044永利集团最新链接师资雄厚,研究实力顶尖,位列亚洲第4、全球前100——2013-2017荷兰蒂尔堡大学3044永利集团最新链接研究排名,计量经济学的研究贡献排名全球第1——2013—2017年荷兰蒂尔堡大学的全球经济学研究排名。
The proposed Master of Science in Financial Economics (MSFE) programme addresses the need for a rigorous curriculum linking economics and econometrics to finance. The MSFE programme aims to combine two central strengths of SMU – econometrics and finance – in a programme that meets the loud industry demand for professionals with the skills for deep analysis of increasingly complex financial problems in a new era of dynamic policy and regulation. The proposed full-time degree programme will impart the foundational knowledge in economics and econometrics and the domain knowledge of the workings of the financial markets.
The programme will teach students how to apply the most advanced tools in economics and econometrics to finance. Its primary strength draws on the inherent multidisciplinary nature of the programme involving faculty with expertise in economics, econometrics and finance, thereby generating a unique “transformational” learning experience for students. Going with the theme of any coveted SMU degree and leveraging on its key geographic location, this programme will provide excellent networking opportunities. The possibility of academic and industry seminars for students with applied and research tracks will provide an ideal springboard for the technically sound but market orientated professionals.
Official Website: http://www.smu.edu.sg/msfe/
SMU MSFE e-brochure: wescms/sys/filebrowser/file.php